Choose any special good-looking notebook that you're comfortable with for your fashion notebook and make sure that no-one touches it. Take it everywhere with you and keep it like a diary.
To make your notebook really comfy, you can get some fabric swatches or print out patterns that would make pretty fabric. Paste them on the first page. Under each swatch, label the patterns, such as pattern 001, 002, and so on.Turn the page. Write the name of your collection on that page. For example, if you are doing fancy prom dresses, try something like 'A Night to Remember'. Then, turn the page.
Draw a design using a dress form. Look up online 'how to draw a dress form' if you need help. Sketch your design. Write possible prices to the side. Then write what fabrics would it be 'available in' so if you ever do sew it, you know which fabrics to use. OR YOU CAN ALSO...........................Decorate the cover with your favorite fashion magazines.
Buy some fashion magazines. Alternately, raid your local charity shop for some, or ask your friend if you can have hers when she's finished.
Start looking through the magazines and see what catches your eye. Put trends together on one page or put dividers in to separate types of fashion, for example, bridal wear, casual wear.
Include your own sketches. Use a figure template and draw clothes over it or just sketch the garment. Look in clothes shops for inspiration and check out what people on the street are wearing. Also, inspiration can come from anywhere: nature, objects, books, etc. Models can act as a muse.
Make notes beside your pictures, for example, "this would look great on a t-shirt", etc.
Get feedback on your notebook. Show it your friends and family.
                                                 OR YOU CAN ALSO...........................
Just out in and do anything that comes to your mind like jotting down ideas,Taking and doing interviews,Sticking in images and drawing sketches of things that you likeTaking notes of ideas that you think might come to use.